Sign up now for Vision Training Soccer Camps
Don't miss our next camp with Len & TJ. Reserve your spot today! Details for all camps can be found below. See you out on the pitch!
Phillipsburg, NJ Evening Camp 2024
Soccer / all levels
Season: Summer 2024
Starts: June 17
Ends: June 20
Time: 6-8pm
Registration Dates
Earlybird: February 1 to April 30
Regular: May 1 to June 1
Location: Phillipsburg Athletic Complex - Phillipsburg, NJ
Minimum age: 6 years old
Maximum age: 14 years old
Age as of: Aug 1, 2024
Camper Fees
Early Bird: $139 + $10 Processing Fee
Regular: $159 + $10 Processing Fee
Includes four days of training field vision, footwork, and skills.
All Campers receive a VTS camp shirt and ball.
Phillipsburg Athletic Complex
Phillipsburg, NJ
Lower Macungie Youth Soccer Association Evening Camp, Alburtis, PA 2024
Soccer / all levels
Season: Summer 2024
Starts: Jul 15 '24
Ends: July 18 '24
Time: 6-8pm
Registration Dates
Earlybird: April 1 to April 30
Regular: May 1 to Jul 17 ’24
Location: Creamery Park - Alburtis, PA
Minimum age: 6 years old
Maximum age: 14 years old
Age as of: Aug 1 ’24
Camper Fees
Early Bird $139.00 + $10.00 Processing Fee
Regular $159.00 + $10.00 Processing Fee
Includes four days of training to advance field vision, footwork, skills and tactics . All Campers receive a free camp shirt and ball.
Creamery Park
8070 Spring Creek Rd. Alburtis, PA 18011
Team Signups
Teams with 10 or more players are encouraged to sign up and benefit from our exclusive Vision Training Curriculum. To reinforce and support the development of ALL registered teams, the Head Coach receives a FREE copy of our Vision Training DVD and the Vision Training Coaches Manual. Coaches must email a roster of players attending, including the coach's contact information to Len Bilous (len.bilous@gmail.com). If you have any questions about our team program please email or call TJ at (917) 273-5576. Teams must register before July 1st.
Sibling Discount
Families registering more than one child will receive a $10.00 discount for each additional child.
Maximum combined discount is $10.00 per camper.
Health & Safety
Vision Training Soccer LLC COVID-19 Safety Plan for Summer 2022
Per DCD guidelines, campers will NOT be required to wear face masks while attending the camp.
The safety of our players and their families is, and always will be, our main priority. We are therefore
assuming this document as a ruler for rules and guidelines for our Summer Camp. However, we all
understand this situation is very liquid and changes by the minute and day. We recommend everybody
to stay educated on recommendations made by the CDC.
Rules and guidelines updated by any governing agency will overrule our Rules and Guidelines.
Safety actions during camp. Before our camp, we will:
• Ensure the same coaches remain with the same group each day.
• Require staff to stay home if they are sick and require parents to keep sick children home.
Vision Training Soccer Camps LLC requires that all campers must complete the on-line medical health
waiver before the start of the camp. This waiver must be completed prior to the first day of camp. If
anything that has been filled out in this file changes, the parents/caretakers should inform the coaching
staff immediately by emailing us at tkostecky@bard.edu or calling (TJ 917 273-5576 or Len 610 704-
Questions can be handled by
phone (TJ 917 273-5576 or Len 610 704-8004) anytime around the times of the camp. If you have urgent
questions or messages at drop off, please call us ahead of drop off to discuss.
Supplemental services:
For every session please make sure to bring enough:
- Sun Screen
- Water
-Comfortable clothing and footwear for playing soccer
Health screenings during camp:
We will monitor the health of our campers for the duration of the camp. If any symptoms of illness arise, we will
call the emergency contact to pick up the camper.
- With the slightest sign(s) of illness, BE SAFE AND STAY HOME
- Failure to follow instructions and rules & guidelines will result in dismissal from camp without
the right to credit or refund.
If there are things not addresed in this Safety Plan, Vision Training Soccer LLC reserves the right to make decisions to benefit the health of the players and staff in accordance with CDC guidelines. We recommend everybody to stay educated on recommendations made by the CDC. Rules and guidelines updated by any of those agencies will overrule our Rules and Guidelines.
Vision Training Soccer Camps provide on and off-field supervision so that players may derive the most benefit from their camp experience. Campers are required to complete the health form prior to attending the camp. Parents are requested to provide information on special health conditions and to review those conditions with the Camp Director.
Want to book a coaching course, a training session, or a camp?
To book a Vision Training Soccer Course contact Len Bilous (610) 704-8004 or by email len.bilous@gmail.com.